Registration #47220778
Mrs. Grant says: Why pay more?
Check out our prices!
You may be wondering how to quickly find a Bromeliad wholesaler in West Palm Beach! It is really quite easy; call or email us, here at Grant's Farm Nursery! We are skilled Bromeliad cultivators, passionately tending 30 acres of Bromeliads. We can ship various Bromeliad plants to you, wholesale, wherever you are in the U.S.A.
It is simple for you, now that you can find your Bromeliad wholesaler near West Palm Beach! Plus, we can assist in estimating your shipping costs. While the Bromeliad trade is competitive, with our low prices, you can expect profits when you sell on. Expect healthy Bromeliads from us, and a great selection of resilient hybrids. Bromeliads are native to South America, and were once seen only in the homes of wealthy Europeans, and the special royal botanic gardens of various countries.
You may never find a Bromeliad wholesaler for West Palm Beach as reliable as we are. Confidently engage in business with us; our clients praise our integrity and our smooth client interaction. You cannot go wrong trading in such stately, prized, tropical plants. Bromeliads are among the most spectacular house and landscape plants on the market today! Demand is high! We look forward to your bulk order.
We, the enterprising Grant Family, continue the farming tradition of our ancestors, who farmed passionately in the 1920's. We have to our credit, the establishment of one of the largest Retail Nurseries in Florida during the 1950's which we operated into the late 1980's. Today, we master wholesale; you will find a Bromeliad wholesaler for West Palm Beach of distinction, here at our 22 acre Bromeliad farm!
We, the Grant Family, encourage you to expand and deepen your interest in the wholesale buying and selling of Bromeliads. We patiently tend and cross-breed a wide range of Bromeliads for wholesale local buyers, and also for wholesale shipping all over the U.S.A. You will find a Bromeliad wholesaler near West Palm Beach, here in Davie, at Grant's Farm Nursery, by emailing or telephoning us today!
We, the Grant Family, welcome your interest in Wholesale Bromeliads. We are thrilled that you have found us, as your special supplier of Bromeliads! Call or email us for a full price list and inventory of our beautiful Bromeliads.
As a passionate traditional farming family, we actively maintain one of South Florida’s largest and most successful Find Bromeliad Wholesaler West Palm Beach Nurseries.
Grant's Farm Nursery is located in South Florida and ships Wholesale tropical Bromeliad plants throughout the USA.