Registration #47220778
Mrs. Grant says: Why pay more?
Check out our prices!
Here at Grant's Farm Nursery, we welcome interest in our wholesale nursery in Florida. We ship Bromeliads throughout the USA.. Our clients are mainly professional landscapers, interior designers, plant brokers and large retail centers. We are eager to be your Bromeliad bulk-supplier.
Perhaps you do not know that our wholesale nursery in Florida is highly favored by professional gardeners and building contractors engaged in extensive projects in many areas of Florida. We are the 'GO TO" for the bulk-buying of the tropical plant, the Bromeliad. We gained a positive reputation for our Grade A Bromeliads. We, the enterprising Grant Family, assure you of good ROI on Bromeliads. Buy from us now!
Become our wholesale buyer today and automatically become our top priority. We promise our undivided attention. Confidently look forward to a wide range of different species of Bromeliads, from our wholesale nursery in Florida. We have been cross-breding Bromeliads with good results. We offer our cross-bred Bromeliads to you, at reasonable prices, in bulk. There is absolutely no doubt that Bromeliad trading can be lucrative. Let us show you how!
As an enterprising farming family, we, the Grant Family, chose to bravely follow in the footsteps of earlier Grant Families who farmed in America, during the 1920's. We proudly set-up one of the largest retail tropical plant nurseries in South Florida, in 1959 and successfully operated until the late 1980's. We then turned our attention to cultivating exclusively wholesale Bromeliads. Today, we welcome customers to make us their supplier and benefit from our impressive wholesale nursery, Davie, Florida.
Our clients report good profit margins as a result of shipments of healthy Bromeliads from us. Bromeliads are used creatively throughout the world. They are ideal for large block plantings, as well as for adorning both offices and homes. They are admired in public places too. We urge you to take advantage of our healthy Bromeliads, some cross-bred by experts, here at our wholesale nursery in Florida.
We, the Grant Family, welcome your interest in Wholesale Bromeliads. We are thrilled that you have found us! Make us your special supplier of Bromeliads! Call or email us for a full price list and inventory of our beautiful Bromeliads.
As a passionate traditional farming family, we actively maintain one of South Florida’s largest and most successful plant farms, our Wholesale Nursery for Broward County Bromeliad wholesale purchasing.
Grant's Farm Nursery is located in South Florida and ships Wholesale tropical Bromeliad plants throughout the USA.