Mrs. Grant Says: BROMELIADS

(954) 452-1668

Lisa (863) 368-1889

Toll Free (888) 959-2006

Fax (954) 452-5160

Wholesale Nursery - Nationwide Shipping

Directions to Grant's Farm Nurery Florida

Delivery INformation

The price in each zone is a drop charge. from 1 Plant to 10,000 Plants.

All delivery charges are applicable within 10 miles of the coast.

Central Florida - Please call (888) 959-2006 for information.


$85.00 to $90 (City-dependent)

Drop charge: 1-10,000 Plants

$60 to $85 - (City-dependent)

Drop charge: 1-10,000 Plants

$45 to- $60 - (City-dependent)

Drop charge: 1-10,000 Plants

We deliver all over the state of Florida. Please call Lisa for delivery info on your city.